A functional kitchen!

On Friday, our granite countertops were installed! This allows me to have a near complete kitchen and it is very timely too since my gym started a clean eating challenge on Sunday. Since then, I have been able to cook meals at home and get rid of the majority of the boxes in the house. We still have to install the dishwasher, finish the trim and crown molding and put the knobs on. However, it is fully functional! Hooray! The end is near!

The Kitchen Install

Over the last few days, Mike got the majority of the cabinets installed. And even though our walls are completely crooked and the floor is over two inches off, Mike has done a fantastic job making everything fit just right. I can’t wait to start filling the shelves and drawers!

We also had an electrician come out and install a new breaker for the microwave and move a few outlets. With the install of the new breaker, he had to punch several holes in my freshly painted wall. Mike was able to repair the drywall and I finished painting it yesterday morning.

These are the latest pictures of our kitchen install. Mike still has three more cabinets (two large ones over the fridge and one above the microwave) to go. Then, we have trim work, knobs and the install of all our appliances. And of course, countertops!

Speaking of countertops, I picked out some granite and they came and created the template on Saturday. Looks like I will have new countertops by the end of the week! Originally, I was going to go with soapstone. Actually, I was pretty dead set on it. However, granite sells houses and although I think granite is terrible for the environment and I feel guilty using part of a beautiful mountainside as my countertop, I went with it anyways. I knew I wanted something dark and cheap and although I wish this piece had more movement, this piece will look great in the kitchen. The type of granite is called silver pearl.

One thing I have to say is that I don’t agonize over very many decisions. When the lady asked me what kind of edge I wanted. I looked at them all, did ten minutes of research online and decided to go with the demi bullnose. Although I was certain I was going to go with a square edge, I think that look might be too modern for our kitchen, soI decided on something different. I try not to fret over things for more than ten minutes or so. I find that with so much stuff to do, I need to make decisions and move on. I’ve had to practice this skill a lot lately.